Multipurpose Wind-Driven Power Generator

    We would like to present a new multipurpose wind-driven power generator. Its developers intended to create an autonomous, reliable, safe and comparatively inexpensive source of electric power that can be safely placed very close to power consumers (residential or administrative buildings etc.). Construction materials and functional parts used in this power generator are well-known, practice-proven and simple, such as lever, sail, hydraulic transformer, electric power generator etc. The generator remains functional under temperatures varying from minus 60 to plus 60 degrees Centigrade. If necessary, the generator can operate even in harsher conditions if special upgrades are made in the construction. All parts of the mechanism involved in electric power generating are placed above the ground, and therefore, the generator can be easily repaired, requires low maintenance costs, and has long term of service. The generator does not contain rare or hard-to-find parts and does not require development of unique materials, mechanisms or units, i.e. the developers propose a new vision of how existing currently produced construction parts can be efficiently used in wind-driven power generation. That is why the net cost of production of such generators is comparatively low and varies between $US 250-600 per 1 kW of power generating capacity depending on the number of generators of the specific type produced.
    The generator can efficiently operate under conditions of wind stream of any type. However, the advantage of the new generator is that it will be highly efficient when wind stream is unstable, bursting, weak, varying in strength and direction, stormy, or blowing in upper or lower layers.  It will be especially efficient under condition of reflected wind, i.e. when the wind comes from open areas (steppe or sea) and spreads into forest, mountain (hill) regions or cities. Such wind streams occur on almost 85% of the Earth landmass and they are especially typical for those regions where wind-driven power generators can be used successfully, i.e. in highly populated areas. The generator begins to work and generate electric power when wind speed is very low (about 1 m/sec). The maximum allowable wind speed is limited only by the technical characteristics of a particular generator model. It is assumed though, that the generator will not have to be stopped even during a storm. Moreover, even in such conditions, electric power generation will not interrupt.
    Another important advantage of this wind-driven power generator is that it is relatively safe and can be placed very close to power consumers. Th e generator is almost noiseless, does not produce low-frequency oscillations, does not require expensive materials to be constructed, and requires minimal space (0.1 m2 per 1 kW of generated electric power). As it does not have any visible rotating parts, it will not cause negative visual effects and will not harm birds or insects. In cities, for example, the generators can be placed in parks, squares, and backyards of residential, administrative or industrial buildings. They can appear, for example, as an imitation of trees, and thus harmonize with the surrounding landscape. Moreover, they can be safely placed on roofs of some buildings and even be included in architectural designs as a constructive part (an energy block) of high-rise buildings.
    But the main difference of our machine from the existing generators is that when wind stream is totally absent for a long time, the generator can be used (in acute need for electric power) to generate power by applying external mechanical impact. Moreover, the construction allows installing additional solar batteries without negative effect for the efficiency of the system. Solar batteries will allow not only to produce additional electric power, but also to increase the overall capacity of the wind-driven power generator.

    The construction of our wind-driven power generator is schematically


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